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SOFTICE.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Soft-ICE and Magic-CV
Older versions
SOJOURN.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Rev 1.07A
type "BETA"
Note: beta-test "master disk" of a game someone had me try.
Kind of "moria" like (moria -- D&D game from CDC's Plato system)
Start as a theif, then go to other guilds.
When you're "maxed out" -- travel between guild halls, build up
lots of points/levels/whatever
I used to have a 1-sheet instruction sheet, but I don't know where
it is.
Quadrants of dungeon correspond to guilds
SOJOURN_.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Apparently, a copy of the original SOJOURN floppy.
See other .IMG description for more info.
SOJ_GOLF.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Games directory backups
See SOJOURN.IMG for some info on the SOJOURN game
SPACEINV.IMG is an image of a 180K disk.
Space Invaders
PC-SIG library disk #176
SPINRT_1.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Spinrite I MASTER
Do not use the original, make a copy and use that
1) place diskette into drive A:
2) turn power on
3) Spinrite will now configure this diskette to that machine ONLY!
4) format another diskette with FORMAT A: /S
5) copy all files from this diskette to the one made in step 4
6) the diskette from step 5 is a workable spinrite for THAT MACHINE ONLY
SPINRT_2.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Spinrite II MASTER
Do not use the original disk, make a copy and use that
SRIIWORK.IMG is an image of a 1.2M disk.
Spinrite II, working copy??
SR_215.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Sourcer with BIOS pre-processor
version 2.15
Serial # B111904
SS24UTIL.IMG is an image of a 1.2M disk.
Diamond SpeedStar 24 utilities
NOT Windows drivers
SS24UTL.IMG is an image of a 1.2M disk.
Diamond SpeedStar 24 Utilities and Drivers V1.00
I don't think these are Windows drivers...
SS24W3DR.IMG is an image of a 1.2M disk.
Diamond SpeedStar 24 Windows 3.x drivers
version 1.00
SSVGA_54.IMG is an image of a 1.2M disk.
Diamond SpeedStar VGA drivers for Windows 3.1
Version 5.4
Gateway 2000
STARWARS.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Starwars game -- like the original arcade game.
Use your mouse to maneuver and fire.
STATS.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Public Brand Software disk
primitive statistics package
STOS.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
STOS -- Single Tasking Operating System
I was doing a disassembly of DOS 3.1 (fun and practice!), and started
talking with some people about doing a DOS clone. Of course, this would
obviously not be a "clean room" clone.
STOS_OLD.ZIP is the DOS 3.1 disassembly
STOS_NEW.ZIP is the work I did on a DOS clone (very bad...)
STREK_CP.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Star Trek
Copy Protection
ARCed files
SY132DRV.IMG is an image of a 360K disk.
Sytos Plus
PC-36 driver and logical imgage
(I believe this is the file they sent me to fix the problem of not
reading their own backup tapes.)
SY132_12.IMG is an image of a 1.2M disk.
Sytos Plus version 1.32
Disk 1 of 2
Install disk
(Alliance -> Tandberg AT/ISA drivers)
SY132_13.IMG is an image of a 720K disk.
Sytos Plus by Sytron
File Backup Manager, disk 1 of 3 (Install disk)
Version 1.32 for DOS
(Alliance - IBM
AT/ISA and
Micro Channel Drivers)
These pages last modified 1/10/2001